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Is your current insurance policy in need of a repair?
由于汽车修理店的业务性质,它面临着很高的财务风险. 专业保险政策可以保护你的车库维修店免受潜在的毁灭性的经济损失.
Insurance as unique as the vehicles you work on.
As useful as standard business insurance policies may be, 它们并不总是足以应对车库维修店面临的特定风险. 是什么让你的业务从别人主要是你的工作和存储客户的车辆. This exposes your garage repair shop to many risk factors, 但是有正确的政策可以保护你的业务.
Different risks than most other businesses.
At the simplest level, 你需要保护客户的车辆不受损坏, whether it is from fire, vandalism, theft, or other hazards. 你可能只在一辆车上花了几百美元, but if you have to spend tens of thousands replacing it, the effects could cripple your business.
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Your repair shop may be susceptible to many risks, such as claims due to bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, and more. For example, 如果客户在你的维修店不小心绊倒和跌倒, 你可能会面临潜在的诉讼,并为事故造成的任何伤害承担经济责任.
商业一般责任保险对每个修理厂来说都是绝对必要的. 这种类型的保护为房地提供了广泛的保护, operations, completed operations and advertising, and personal injury. 它还将支付辩护任何涵盖的诉讼或行动,无论其优点. 保险范围可以作为单独的保单购买,也可以根据您的具体需求进行调整.
When a gas tank explosion causes an uncontrollable fire, 你的商业财产和其中的一切都可能遭受重大损失. 这可能会对你的维修店业务产生不利影响.
商业财产保险可以帮助保护企业拥有或租赁的财产, including things like equipment, inventory, furniture, and fixtures. Whether you own your building or lease your workspace, 商业财产保险可以单独购买,也可以与其他必要的保险相结合,以保护企业的实物资产.
你的业务性质意味着你要对贵重的汽车负责, trucks, and other automobiles. 作为一个维修店的老板,你被信任来保护属于别人的车辆. 这一责任带来了潜在的责任,被持有的经济责任造成的财产损失,这些车辆在你的照顾, custody, and control.
You should purchase physical damage coverage, referred to as garagekeepers coverage, 旨在帮助您在发生事故时保护客户的财产和业务, injuries, or property damage occurs. 这种保护包括因不幸和不可预见事件而产生的费用, not bad workmanship, faulty parts, or warranties.
你不断地把工具从修理店的一个地方搬到另一个地方, 由于损坏或盗窃,使您的业务面临潜在的损失. 如果没有专业的工具和设备,你的维修工作可能会戛然而止.
您可以购买特殊设备保险,以保护您的工具和设备在移动中. The policy will cover equipment for a variety of losses, including fire, explosion, vandalism, theft, collision with other equipment or objects, and overturning.
如果你的员工受伤或生病,由于与工作有关的事件, you are required by law to have the proper coverage in place.
雇员补偿保障雇员在受雇期间因工受伤或生病. This coverage is required by law and may vary by area, 所以一定要了解你在所有经营业务的实体场所以及你雇佣员工的实体场所所承担的义务.
As a repair shop owner, 您有许多与您的业务工具(自有的或租赁的)相关的暴露. With a fleet of cars, trucks, vans, or other types of vehicles used in the course of business, 一次事故就可能使你的企业陷入财务危机.
商业汽车保险为修理店拥有或租赁的车辆提供保险,并为身体伤害提供保险, property damage, and other exposures, 还可以包括综合保险和碰撞保险.
在修理店业务中,损失和诉讼是相当常见的,和解可能是相当可观的. 如果你的公司被发现对损害或伤害负有责任, 你可能会面临超过你的标准保单的基本限额的巨大责任损失.
你应该考虑购买商业伞形保险,它提供更高的限额, typically between $2,000,000 and $10,000,000, and often broadened coverages. Coverage is extended over various policies, including general liability insurance, business auto, and directors and officers liability insurance.
Protection from claims of faulty repairs.
你还应该考虑专业责任保险,保护你免受因员工的错误和/或疏忽造成的汽车损坏的索赔. In extreme circumstances, 这可能不仅包括修复有缺陷的维修的成本, 但也有因修理失误而导致的坠机造成的成本.
Coverage for your garage and lost income.
Remember to also look for coverage for lost income. If you have a fire, 如果在此期间你失去了所有的客户,你的现金流受到不可挽回的损害,让保险公司支付重建车间的所有费用就没什么用了.
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